Sadly, the British weather meant it was too wet for the Golf Competition to go ahead on Sunday Afternoon, but that didn’t stop the Leprechauns coming out to play in the evening!!
Nearly 80 members and friends attended the 3 course Irish Dinner which included Leek & Potato Soup with Soda Bread, Irish Lamb Stew and Colcannon, followed by Irish Apple Cake & Custard or Brownies with a delicious Guinness caramel sauce (courtesy of Chef Riccardo), who afterwards also provided a drop of Jamesons or Baileys as an extra special treat!
It was a really fun night with lots of shanagings by the Captains Steve & Wendy, which included a Irish Quiz, a Green Raffle Table and an Irish Emoji test!
Those attending generously contributed £320 for the Captains Charities, Blood Cancer UK, Ashgate Hospice & Crossroads Derbyshire.