The club house was buzzing with members, friends and families of the club and The Captains, those retiring, the newly appointed ones and those announced as Vice Captains.
Retiring Junior Captain, Harry Balfe, was first to say his farewells commenting that he’d had a great year and it had been an honour. He welcomed the Junior Captain for 2025 Billy Ferguson, who said he was really looking forward to the coming year and the many activities planned for the centenary year.
Next up was retiring Lady Captain Wendy Goldstraw. She gave a overview of her year and thanked everyone for their very generous donations and support throughout the year. She had raised just over £3,600 for her Charities and a further £1,800 towards the On-course Toilet. She’d had a fabulous year and had been so proud of the Ladies successes in the Derbyshire County Competitions. She also went onto thank all the staff in the Pro-shop, the Club House and the Course Staff, for their amazing work throughout 2024.
Wendy then welcomed the Incoming & Centenary Lady Captain, Anna Major, to put on her Jacket, passing over the responsibility of the Womens Section for 2025. Anna said she was ‘delighted and honoured to have been asked to take on this fabulous role’.
Steve Bell as retiring Captain, unusually didn’t have a lot to say, except that it been ‘emotional’. He was truly overwhelmed and so proud to have been the Captain of this amazing Club, with its fabulous members, as he believes they are at the core of what makes this Club so remarkable. Steve went on to say he’s had the best of years and had loved every minute of it, including his two Captains Days!!
Steve asked Phil Major, to take the floor to take over the Captaincy as Centenary Captain for 2025. Phil went on to outline a number of events which were planned for 2025, including the commemoration of the Centenary Bridge and various other events which will be communicated in the coming weeks.
Phil, Anna & Billy were so honoured to be the new Captains and announced the Charity they will be supporting in their year will be The Christie Hospital.
Phil then announced that Geoff Haddon would be his Captain Elect and Anna informed us that Andie Curtis would be supporting her as Lady Vice Captain.
Congratulations to all Captains concerned, and good luck for 202