Captains Farewell & Hello

The club house was buzzing with members, friends and families of the club and The Captains, those retiring, the newly appointed ones and those announced as Vice Captains. Retiring Junior Captain, Harry Balfe, was first to say his farewells commenting that he’d had a great year and it had been an honour.  He welcomed the…

Ladies Prize Night

What a fabulous evening to see so many women collecting so many Prizes.  This year the event was held on 14th November and boy did they show off the Clubs Silverware (which had been polished to the brighten of shines for the big occasion).  The evening started with a 2 course dinner, after which the Ladies…

Ladies who do Lunch!

Twenty two of the previous Lady Captains donned their ‘Jackets’ to attend their Annual Past Lady Captains Luncheon at the Club in early November.  Organized by last years Lady Captain, Pam Brindley, they had a wonderful time catching up with each other and sharing stories of previous golfing triumphs, and many more things.  They enjoyed…