George & Aaron’s Big Win!

Congratulations to Cavendish touring professional George Bloor who teamed up with amateur Aaron Woodward to win the team section at Northenden with 46 points. They won on Countback from Joe Dean & Shaun Best. A back nine of 26 points saw them home …. Incredible scoring!

Senior Captain’s Open – Results

Club Captain Pat Campbell was delighted to welcome the many visitors to the Senior Captains Open on Friday 14 May. It was a ‘full house’ and there was great anticipation from golfers as they prepared to experience the upgraded Cavendish Course. Seniors 4BBB Stableford Results Friday 14th May 1st – £90 each – D. Goodwin & P.…

Cavendish Top 4 – new Golf World rankings!

Cavendish has been placed #4 by Golf World in their UK and Ireland rankings for £60 and less green fees. A stunning result which confirms the exceptional value offered to visitors.   Cavendish Chairman Terry Hayward puts this achievement into perspective: “This most recent accolade is fantastic.  We don’t aim to compete with the likes…

George Bloor Gala Golf Day

George had a fabulous Golf Day with 160 participants and has provided the following summary in his own words: “What an amazing event. It was my second golf day but first one as a touring pro. We had frost, rain, sun, and snow ! But it didn’t dampen the spirits on the day. I want…

Cavendish First Aid Training

Being able to respond competently to incidents and injuries can save lives so it’s important to have trained staff and volunteers on hand. 12 staff and volunteers attended a ‘Health & Safety First Aid at Work’ course learning new skills and gaining knowledge of just how to respond. Thanks to ‘The Way Ahead’ for running…

Dunham Forest Trophy Thriller!

Strong team in new red team shirts Fielding some new faces in the first round match against local rivals Chapel in the Dunham Forest Trophy competition, Cavendish got off to a great start with an away win. Cavendish fielded a very strong team sporting their new red club polo shirts courtesy of the Match & Handicap…

Ladies Brave Coronation Weather!

Funny old weather – 4 seasons in a single day for the Ladies Coronation Foursomes But despite the meteorological challenges the Cavendish Ladies played on and proved their resolve. Hilary Whatmore & Anna Major won with 34 points beating Maxine Chuwen & Chris Campbell by 1 point. Well done to all the ladies who competed.

Junior Golf Passport

A complete introduction to golf After two successful junior sessions during the Easter Holidays, Lee and Liam are now offering junior coaching sessions on Saturdays and Mondays, starting this Saturday 8th May. These sessions will provide youngsters with the opportunity to learn a range of golf and personal skills, whilst having fun on the putting…

Wendy’s Peak District Boundary Walk

New Cavendish lady member Wendy Goldstraw is walking the 200 mile ‘Peak District Boundary Walk’ to raise money for Blood Cancer UK (formerly known as Leukaemia & Lymphoma/Blood Wise). Wendy’s partner sadly died from Leukaemia 2 years ago and the charity gave them tremendous help when they were in most need. Wendy’s brother, Steve Goldstraw…