The club was buzzing with sound on 28th December when we welcomed the Heidleburgers to entertain us for the evening, and they were brilliant. The 10 piece band and their lead, our very own Dave Jones, all dressed in Lederhosen, did a fabulous job performing various ‘Beer Keller’ songs and a number of other popular singalong melodies.
YMCA was performed by some members and other members played some interesting instruments. You’ll have to ask Carl what he was doing with the hose pipe, but he did manage to get a sound of it!
Band Leader Dave managed to raise an amazing amount for The Christie by getting us all to singalong to ‘The Grand Old Duke of York’ and fining anyone a £1 who got it wrong, and boy did some get it wrong, putting over a fiver into the pot. A great laugh!
Traditional Bavarian feast was provided by Riccardo with sizzling Schnitzels, German Bratwurst sausages, dishes of wonderful Sauerkraut and mashed spuds, followed by Apple Strudel and Black Forest Gateau for pud. The odd stein of beer and shot of schnapps washed it all down a treat!
If you missed them this time, we hope they will be back in October, when we organize a ‘Beer Fest’, so watch this space!!